6 Winter Driving Tips to Keep Your Safer

6 Winter Driving Tips to Keep Your Safer

Throughout the winter months, slick roads and poor visibility can heighten the risk of being involved in a collision. This makes it important to take precautions that will keep you safe as you navigate challenging conditions. Here's a look at six tips for safe winter driving.

Greater Following Distance

If the road is icy, it can take ten times longer to come to a stop after you start braking. In such a situation, you'll want to increase your following distance to six seconds or more, which will help to keep you from sliding into the back of another vehicle.

Slow Down

When the weather takes a turn for the worse, it's best to ease up on the accelerator and maintain a speed that is safer for the conditions. This way, if roadway hazards suddenly arise, you'll have more time to safely react.

Use Headlights in Daytime

During the wintertime, inclement weather can cause poor visibility throughout the day. By keeping your lights on, the road will be more visible, and it'll be easier for other drivers to see you coming.

Keep Calm

Panicking while driving can put you in more danger because you'll be liable to make an irrational decision as you drive. Rather, it's best to stay as calm as you can, which will allow you to make clear-headed choices about how best to maneuver your car through the difficult conditions.

Pull Over when Needed

When the weather gets especially bad, you may want to get off the road and wait for conditions to improve. For optimal safety, it's preferable if you can get your car into a parking lot rather than just onto the side of the road.

Winter Auto Maintenance

Important winter maintenance tasks include checking battery health, antifreeze, brakes, heating system, and tires.

If you need auto maintenance to optimize your safety on the road this winter, be sure to bring your vehicle to a reputable mechanic. For winter auto maintenance in Huntington Station, Melville, and Plainview, NY, contact the experts at Springfield Service Center at (631) 427-4848. Feel free to give Springfield Service Center a call today to schedule an appointment for any of your vehicle's repair or maintenance needs!

Springfield Service Center Blog
Posted: January 1, 2021

Written and Published By MORBiZ